[how to reckon with life: my idea vs. the toddler’s! 😉]
whew!! school is back in session for us, and boy has it been an adjustment!! the school schedule aaalways throws us for a loop. i’ll be the last to claim that i adjust well to, like, anything… but this year i’m so grateful that it’s indeed a good loop. a spiritually healthy loop. i couldn’t be more thankful for the school environment that i was raised in, and that we now have not one but two kiddos in! it’s ca-razy how fast life goes. i think i say that every day.
anyway, i know most all of us are going about school life in new, unplanned, confusing ways, and to the moms and babes out there, i raise my coffee mug!!! we’ve all had our own mental worries and struggles surrounding school and life this year, and i keep thinking back to how much we stressed and argued about M’s schooling for years before she ever started anywhere. we would never have guessed that education as a whole could get so crazy just a few years in, but my perspective then was driven by prayer and conviction, and that remains the source of my perspective now… for everything. we don’t get where we’re going by happenstance, so if you’re struggling over how to go about life with your littles this year, here’s your friendly reminder to give it up to the good Lord!! He will make your path straight. bumpy! but straight.
now, you know me [probably?], and this is not to say you won’t need a solid adult bevvie at the end of the day. there’s always room in our home sanctuary for a sipsy of red! glory, glory. i do love my sips. shock absorbers for the bumpy road, CAN I GET AN AMEN!
hey, i just saw a cat run across our deck which broke me out of my caffeinated hallelujah trance… moving on!
i’d like to note, also, that i truly miss blogs and writing more than a caption. i’d forgotten how much of a freakin’ cute tornado little bunny chillens become as they get toward age 2, so i’ve struggled to find the thoughts or the time, but… i need my outlet! and honestly, social media is sketchy as fudge, so i shall keep my less populated little corner here alive for the time being. i do plan to print it all into a book set someday for longterm keeping, but for now… a list!
favorite fun coping mechanisms as of late!
–lists, obviously. for this, it’s important to have gold pens on hand. priorities.
-this confession: a huge one, as someone who claimed never to do this, but my husband started it, so i’ll blame him. i’m currently wearing… Â and loving… lulu leggings. align leggings! they’re like butter. it’s fine, i realized after steven shoved lulu joggers in my christmas stocking that if you shop right [aka. discount!], lulu stuff is… indeed… amazing. there. i admit it! i want to wear them always. now, i’m still not sure these leggings will actually last as long as the financially practical and incredibly wear-tolerant live-in zellas that i’ve worn for years!! Â [which are on MEGA SALE right now, ps!] but we shall see. any long-term align wearers out there?? i literally still wear my first pair of zella leggings that i got… i’m pretty sure… before rocco was born! so, the competition is fierce, but there’s no doubt about how glorious these leggings feel on the bod. [and no, i haven’t considered amazon knock-offs, because they’re made of cheaper materials, and probably in china. if i’m gonna wear lulus, i’m gonna wear. lulus.]
–dramatic/thematic indulgences! do i want to wear pearls and a vintage evening gown to fix breakfast? perhaps! do i want to sweep the floor barefoot in a shabby dress whilst swaying to glenn miller on the record player? likely! do i want to have unmanageable mermaid hair and call it a summertime ‘do? why yes. yes, i do. and so, i shall. i am planning my hair appointment, by the way… but i have commitment issues. surprise!
-speaking of, i spent all summer obsessing over where to shop the best USA-made clothing, and i’m still working at coming up with a master list! but i’m in love with these handmade dresses out of NY. i didn’t get the one i wanted before it sold out, but gosh. they’re pricey, but beautiful, timeless and handmade!
-oh! i almost forgot… i’ve been pleasantly surprised at now much i’m  l o v i n g  down to earth with zac efron on netflix. i’m halfway through the season and most of what’s been talked about is very up our natural health/living alley! my favorite is obviously the italian episode, but truly, they nail it when they discuss the blue zone and how these centenarians go about living such long, beautiful lives.
-aaaand attn: ladies! just throwing this out there, because i shared on my gram one day the important health benefits of pursuing an underwire-free chest [there are lymph nodes there that underwire can impede upon!], and some gals out there wanted a rec for what to wear when you still need a “normal” bra [not a bralette or sports number]. i happened upon this regular-style bra, and gave it a shot… i now have two and they have replaced the underwire versions i’d previously invested in over the years! SO comfy. never going back. proper lymph-drainage for lyphe!
also!! please behold my princess protégé. i simply couldn’t do without her.
I am dying over these images. Can I be you when I grow up?