whew! what a time we find ourselves in, yes?! a time of worry. a time of confusion. a time of… hope. GREAT HOPE. but things are indisputably weird, so stay home and stay healthy, friends!! the threat is big, but wow. if i’ve had anything confirmed in the last few weeks it’s that God. is. bigger.
since we’ve returned from our muuuuch needed week of social distancing [spring break version!] down to my very favorite dot on the map, we’re all officially homebound [husband and i are practicing our “watercooler chats” around the berkey]… and as someone who has gone from driving around with a go-bag in my car in case i didn’t go home for the night to being a huge nesting homebody that loves canceled plans and honestly started quarantine prepping weeks ago… i’m happy. stir crazy, sure! definitely missing my ocean views and mid 80s weather. but i know what i have and i sure as heck don’t take it for granted.
of course, i’ve been glued to around-the-clock updates, and have had so so so many ever evolving thoughts on what’s been unfolding… all ranges of emotion, naturally… curiosity. skepticism. hesitancy. mostly, a need to feel prepared! because that’s pretty much my favorite itch to scratch. but surprised? not so much. i will say, there’s only one spiritual gift i’ve learned to claim, and that is that i have a strong intuition. there have been plenty of times i’ve gone against my intuition in the name of “getting out of my box” or “not letting my anxiety run me,” and it just doesn’t generally go well. so, in all honesty, i’ve had the potential for a season like this weighing on me mentally for a long time. at one point i just hit capacity and shut it off for a while, researching less and just praying more. more prayer, i think, is ideally what we should all focus on, anyway, yes?
but!! i’ve been back down the ole rabbit holes for the last good while prior to this global event, mostly those of the health and wellness nature… and if you’ve ever “gone there,” you know those holes always lead back to what/who is causing the “issues” and for what reason. i’ll admit, i even found myself not too long ago just wishing that heaven would come down and put a stop to the madness already! i started getting so bummed that i couldn’t even look up at the sky and see God’s handiwork without seeing aluminum filled plumes waiting to rain down and secure our alzheimer’s diagnoses. ugh!
i’m sure some of this is why so many seem to be currently screaming, this is it! the new world order! next, they’re going to take away all our rights! just wait! i get it. and i’m sure that’s been the globalist goal here. i mean, take for example the fact that there’s an individual out there with unfathomable riches, who’s been preaching passionately on depopulation and upcoming pandemic for years now. you tellin’ me that’s coincidental? i don’t believe in coincidences. but even if i did, i’d say the money trail speaks for itself. but blablabla, remember… God is bigger. this isn’t it!
soooo… if you’re curious and interested in a solid chunk of biblically founded hope, go watch @roseuncharted‘s story highlight titled, “GOD WINS.” she’s a very well-read Christian mama of little ones and wellness advocate that has been a favorite account for me for a while now. i’ve ordered products from her as well!! her gentle intensity is really remarkable, and i so wish i could absorb knowledge at the rate that she seems to! she’s been sharing on biblical history and the prophetic pattern that’s been taking shape. truly fascinating.
possibly to my own detriment, i am someone that craves truth. even if i don’t want to know, i NEED to know! [this is true to the nature of an enneagram 1, by the way… which is where i fall on that “scale.” however, i then learned the truth about the dark origins of the enneagram, and immediately decided to stop referencing it altogether! bizarre, yes? was fun while it lasted. that’s another topic for another day!] so, i pray and continue to pray that i would not be fooled by this world. we know, biblically, that as we progress in these “end times” [aren’t all the times between the OG easter and the present considered “end times?”] the good shall seem bad, and the bad shall seem good. obviously, that’s been playing out for a while, judging by what this world praises and criminalizes! holy cow. and so… especially now… i have prayed for clarity.
i keep remembering this english teacher i had in high school that one day started telling us how real spiritual warfare was, but at the time… that information was just way too much for me. it freaked me out and i was like, wow, okaaay, that’s a little much! but now [as someone who is donning an orgonite pendant in an effort to balance my biofield and combat radiation. haha. i’ve come a long, strange way in my understanding that energy that we can’t see is just as powerful, if not more, as the energy we can!] …i get it!! it’s so real. and it’s been amping up to a degree that would melt our innocent little amazon prime loving minds if we truly knew. but the amazing thing to me about that is… no matter how deep and complex the darkness runs, God’s ultimate plan is even more brilliant and complex and… shimmering in gold!! i like to picture all good things shimmering in gold.
all of this to say, there’s a lot of truth to dig into, and there’s a LOT of fiction layered overtop of it. discernment is tough, and there’s just way too much to absorb. but, i will say… as i’ve payed more and more attention to the light as it exposes darkness, my perspective has flipped! instead of being afraid to raise children in this culture, worried for their futures, i am overtaken by the hope that this could be an incredible time to be alive and bear witness to the uncovering of truth and history being made! you know… fingers crossed and all.
and so, every night, as we finish off another day together, my little babes and i, we pray for our world, our country, our leaders. for health and for safety. for those who do not know Jesus. and something that isn’t talked about much these days but is also important… for forgiveness. repentance feels like a big topic for little people, but it’s important, too. and of course, we give so much gratitude for what we have. we are ridiculously blessed that we have this opportunity to be “stuck” in our safe, warm homes. and every time i let myself sink into fear and doubt, i manage to circle back around to the peace of knowing that God is bigger… and if you watch, He’s revealing His presence in a world that has tried so hard to reject it. i feel so fortunate to be watching this chapter unfold!
there’s really no better time than now to PRAY without ceasing! have hope and pray. i mean, what else are you gonna do? besides wrangle your hooligans, start project #753, and click “still watching” on netflix. 😉
❤️ all of this!!!