oh my goodness. 12 months of our sweet baby luca!!
gosh, i don’t know if i’ve ever been in so many pieces over a baby turning one [mostly due to the 7 years i have now of knowing how fast it goes!], but this boy has had me basically shattered… albeit in a way that is somehow entirely delightful!! soaking him up as he grows every day is truly the best gift. i’ve loved this aspect of my days with each of my babies… and still do, of course! i know aaall too well how just lucky i am to get to enjoy them and where they are every step of the way.
but luca… ohhh, my baby luca! there are so many cohesive thoughts i’d love to articulate about the layers of significance regarding his existence!! but… for every well-formed sentence i manage to compose, he manages to find a tiny piece of dog food to sneak into his mouth. 🙂
but really, in 12 months, i just have yet to come up with the words… to say how timely his appearance was in our home… to somehow summarize what a light in the dark he’s been for me… to express how one innocent little lovebunny can unknowingly just make life right. he’s our 5th little human and it’s crazy how perfect he is in that role! God. makes. no. mistakes.
and third babies!! my goodness. they are resilient, glimmering little pieces of magic, aren’t they? [i say as he and minnie bark at each other through the glass door! haha!]
oh, lu. big lu. luca bunny. baby wuca. our delicious slice of pumpkin pie. how thankful we are for every squishy, wonderful inch of you!!! happy 12 months, baby boy!!!
Oh love these third children right!? Well, all children. It goes so fast and words are never enough to describe it all. This kid is so very loved though!
there *might* be something magical about third babies! and they certainly grow up way too quickly!