my angel girl. my right hand lady baby! she has made my life so much better since the day she was born… and heavens to betsy, i cannot believe she’s off to first grade today.
you know… i always knew i’d have babies one day and love them to pieces, of course! but i didn’t expect to actually like them so ridiculously much. you know?? i enjoy my little squad. they’re funny and sweet, and i’m just not the same when one of them is missing from my nest, so… it’s going to be a long road! haha.
no, i’m not quite sure this grow-them-up and send-them-off thing gets any easier for me… it just gets busier. luckily, i’m crazy enough to have enough creatures in my life to keep me distracted, and i’ve effectively suppressed my feelings about my sweet girl going back to school today! 😉 [it’s really the only way to keep me going or i’d just be wrapped in a blanky wallowing, watching when harry met sally and the notebook, which is all i ever did with my feelings from age 15-25, sooo…]
anyway! i’m SO proud of my girl. she’s smart and she’s loving and she’s kind and she’s literally everything i ever wanted in a little princess. i tell her all the time that she spoils me rotten, and it’s true. she amazes me daily, and truly deserves all the most wonderful things life can offer!
this time with my sweet bunnies… gosh, it goes by in a flash. it’s not always easy and it’s far from perfect, but man… i’m soaking up every second. all this to say, i’m coffee-ed up and moving along, but i swear, if even one person plays taylor swift never grow up i will be in shambles… earmuffs, B, earmuffs!!
i love you, maddalena rose!
wait, what, shhhh, i didn’t say anything!!
Haha never leave me is right though!! It all happens way too quickly and where oh where did our summer go!?