these gray days lately are staaarting to get to us!
you can only keep a 3 year old from climbing the walls for so long, you know? so, while i pull out all the duplos and the playdough and the trucks and allow him to splash various things under various faucets, and offer snack after snack, while searching for misplaced burp cloths and dabbling in diapers and baby naps… i mean…
what to do on a gray, chilly, rainy day?!
wear your coziest joggers! i’m gonna go ahead and admit that i’ve become a lulu convert thanks to my husband and galpal… i now have three pairs of their joggers, and i love them. BUT!!!!! i recently acquired these non-lulu softest ever gray legging/joggers wiiiith pockets!!! and they. are. worth. the. hype!! they fit true to size, and the price is right. like, buy two pairs. i should have.
enhance your coffee life! okay, i have two ways in which i’ve upped my coffee game… one being that i’ve started mixing my chocolate protein shake riiight on into my hot coffee, almond milk, and coconut oil! it’s a habit that began out of school morning desperation, but now i just love it. and two! got myself a snazzy 20 oz rambler with the lid that slides closed and wow. wowww. game changer. stays hot for so long, and doesn’t spill when i march down the stairs and out the door carrying a million things, including a baby. so, naturally! steven shoved a little rambler mug in my christmas stocking, because i’m pretty sure he’s tired of finding my cold coffee in the microwave? and bam! now my mornings at home have been enhanced! coffee! i love you!!
obsess over the enneagram! literally, i’m un-enneagrammable. i have decided i am an 11, because i can’t get past the fact that i’m a 1+6+4, and there’s just no way around it. i was having an identity crisis for a day, for sure… but! i’m loving following this enneagram account on instagram! so interesting! any other 1+6+4s out there? haha!
HYDRATE!! this is literally my new year’s goal every year, but since i’m now nursing again, i really need to! i absolutely have to drink out of a water bottle to get enough water. cups are just like, i mean, i might as well not even. so, i finally went for it with a pretty 40 oz blush pink water bottle, and i’m never going back. it’s glorious.
organize! or just sit and watch marie kondo organize on netflix. haha! is she adorable or is she adorable?! although, i personally can’t deal with the pile method. all the clothes? all of them? one pile? i know it’s supposed to be an eye opener for the person with all the stuff, but i am so visually overwhelmed i’d be tempted to turn and run. also, the folding i don’t love for every single thing, either. but still. she’s getting people’s lives in order, and she’s so cute, she can do whatever she wants. “spark joy!” i mean, i love it!! that concept alone is helping me clean out my closet lately!
put your hair in the air! obsessed with my velvet scrunchie. literally wear it always.
also… snuggle! and wait for snow!? where’s the snow?! i’m kind of ready for a snow day and pretty white scene!!
OH! i’ve also found that supplementing with a liquid vitamin D3 really helps me maintain energy even when it’s dreary! it helped a ton with my energy level when i was pregnant, too.
Oh these blah winter days do us in!!! I binge watched a lot of Marie last night and she is so super tiny and cute and happy! I don’t really like the whole thank you shirt for what you have done for me but no I don’t want to keep you…. I don’t talk to my clothes. Maybe that means none of them bring me joy…. hmm. Anyways cheers! As I sip water from my 20 ounce! Straws are the only way i can down 80 ounces a day. Sheesh. Happy weekend!!
OH yes, i forgot about the greeting the house and the thank you shirt! no… as much as i love to personify inanimate objects, i don’t have that need. i think it’s important to remember stuff is just stuff. but! maybe it’s to give people peace of mind? i can do without that part, too!!