children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. [psalm 127:3]
at one week old, i tied him up with a pretty little bow. 🙂 [thanks to my sweet friend, meg!!!]
and today! my tiniest love is 3 weeks old!
it hasn’t been the easiest few weeks… but at the same time they feel like they’ve flown by. and i’m sure savoring them! i know all too well at this point that babies don’t keep. and this baby boy… he is truly such a gift. he’s been such a reminder to me of hope and faith, and how so many of the things i’ve worried about over the last year have turned out even better than i imagined.
so! we are all pretty in love with our little luca bunny. the snuggles are just the very best thing… and sleep? who needs it, anyway? 😉 ha. more coffee, please! and i’m really just excited to have our new baby pumpkin with us for the holidays this year. give me all the tiny winter snuggles with this one!
as you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. [ecclesiastes 11:5]
No better excuse to stay inside if i do say so myself!!