welllll, it looks like our third[un]born is off to college! or… he might as well be, because that’s how fast this third child stuff is already going. which makes the firstborn and the secondborn stuff fly by WAY too quickly, too! gosh. gosh i love those first and secondborns. i just want to squeeze them all day, every day, forever! forever and ever aaaand ever.
speaking of, talk and activities surrounding the K word have been aaaaaall aflutter these days! i’m not at all ready to acknowledge that kindergarten is right around the corner, personally… OR that i’ll be somehow [by some miracle!] whisking my most helpful baby girl off to school all day every day instead of having her amazing little self around the house with a new baby come november. i mean. that scares me juuust a little!
basically, all this is to say that we went to a little kindergarten picnic last night, and i triiied to wear my cute romper to match my bunnies’ cute rompers! but……..
it didn’t fit.
on another note, my heart KIIIND OF broke yesterday, when nordstrom had to cancel my chunky cardigan order due to… lack of stock!! waaa! but never fear!!! my leggings are still on. their. WAY! and i maybe remedied the situation by ordering the chunky cardigan… in pink… a size up. hahahaha. so that might be nothing short of humorous, but in the winter i tend to go straight up olsen twin and bury myself in giant layers, so it also might just be perfect. we shall see!!! [NOPE. scratch that. they just cancelled that one, too. i’m in devastation!]
but!!! there are still a lot of CUTE favs in stock!! so keep your eyes peeled, people! also, i’ve been side-scanning for my backup plan. i prom i haven’t turned into a shopaholic, i just have a lot of closet overhaul to carry out in order to function over these next several months! also… it’s fun. 😉 and who else do i turn to but targét in a time like this? backup plan… INITIATE:
okay and as a final thought, i’ve had an extremely strange hankering for a very pale, soft cream and pink camo tank! i have yet to find one, and i also don’t know what this means. is this a juxtaposition of my personal qualities? like, i’m really happy and stuff, but i might eat you for dinner? not sure!
xoxo <3 !!!
Oh that bump! And kindergarten! I can’t! I need to have another baby just to give me some cuddles.
yes, amend that stop at three decision immediately!!!!! i keep wondering if i’ll survive one day when there’s really not gonna be another baby in the house… but… probably. 😉 kindergarten i WON’T SURVIVE, though. fo real!
Look at that adorable bump!!! Gosh time is just flying!
it really is!! going super fast.
It’s not a tank but…..saw this and thought Of when you posted this! https://m.shop.nordstrom.com/s/free-people-camo-clare-tee/4975240?origin=category-personalizedsort&breadcrumb=Home%2FBrands%2FFree%20People&color=moss
that one’s been tempting me, for sure!!! there’s a super cute shorts and long sleeve top lounge set on there, too, that’s the softest hint of pink camo… clearly i need these things.