…and that is pretty much the fastest you’ll ever watch the movie elf! haha!
when we first bought this house, i pictured two things: 1. a christmas tree in the corner that was obviously completely meant to have a permanent christmas tree in it. and 2. me & stevo sitting on the sofa all cozily starting friends from the beginning all over again.
we haven’t done the second one yet, [we’ve been watching the office, but i think i’m ready for friends soon!] BUT!!! as of last sunday, our christmas tree! is! UP!!!
…paused on some favorites! i think it’s hilarious how much a time-lapse can breeze through… dropped ornaments, toddler meltdowns, photo poses, steven on the floor adjusting the leaning tree… but spotting the cats as they bounce around is my fav!! and surprisingly, they have yet to terrorize the tree?! yet another christmas miracle!! well… so far. 😉
anyway, our tradition of decorating the weekend after thanksgiving has officially moved to the weekend before thanksgiving… and i just have to say, it’s been a pretty terrific decision! the holidays always go by too quickly, don’t they?! i mean, i can’t say right now that i feeeeel like it’s actually the holidays yet, but i’m sure inviting the sparkles and merriment to come our way.
i still have a bunch to sort through and organize and decorate, but it feels so good to have that big, happy tree up and glowing!! and… i really mean this: a real tree smells like absolute heaven… but my vote is with the pre-lit for liiiiife! game. changer. love our fakey so much.
such a cute video! i love the kitty cat cameos lol! i cannot wait to put out tree up! we’re traveling for thanksgiving, but come back saturday. you can bet that tree will be up on sunday && elf will be on, on repeat!! 🙂 this is our first christmas as a family of 3 && even though my little guy is too young to understand, i am so excited to begin our family christmas traditions!
it’s so much fun to just have them in the mix!!!! it is the absolute sweetest!! you guys enjoy! and the kitties, i totally thought they would knock the time-lapse over, but they were good! ha!!
You guys are just the sweetest family ever! And oh so photogenic! The tree looks fantastic and I’m such a fan of the video!!
oh you are a dear!!! thank you!!! and true happiness right there, because it may have been our easiest tree setup day yet. haha!