tiny shoppers and giant pumpkins!! also, the whole foods PSLs are made with their own brand of organic syrup, so i got one with 1.5 pumps instead of the typical 3 and it waaaaaas GOOD!
arhaus is a dream world! never had i even heard of this place before, but hello, heaven! can i live there?
we took this at sugarboo to send to my girl, maggie, who is forever the emerson to my own personal thoreau. 🙂 i did not see any thoreau, however, or maybe i didn’t look hard enough? but this quote did inspire me to learn a little more about emerson, and how he viewed nature and culture as opposing forces. so! many! potential! thoughts! but not that many fully developed ones, because i’m only one cup of coffee in this morning.
sweet baby boy took a good ole nap on the empty bed at my grandmother’s nursing home. <3 success story, because the good ones are sure hard to come by these days! just look at that angel face. it’s so hard not to just smooch him all over while he’s sleeping… and all the time, really.
can you spot the turtle?!! i couldn’t handle the fact that there was a little turtle swimming around with the ducks and the two swans!! i love inter-species friendships!!! i mean, they all just wanted us to throw them food, but still, they were cute together.
our bettye-mom turned 81!!! and had herself a fresh hairdo that the whole place was raving about. 😉 they are so so so sweet to her there! it was so nice to see her and get to love on her for her birthday.
we had such a good little hop up to lexington with my mom last week!! a trip up there always helps me to kick off fall in my mind, since i grew up doing so much of that. the babers are such good little travel buddies, too, and were absolute angels the entire time. and oh! the shopping! there’s a new shopping center there with just about everything wonderful, and i could’ve done a lot of that, myself… however! said angels were not so thrilled with that notion for too long. you’re welcome, dada’s wallet. 🙂
and, of course, my big camera just stayed in my bag the whole time… i never brought it out thinking we wouldn’t do anything too scenic! buuuut then, there i go, jamming my already full 3-year-old iphone with as many more shots as i can squeeze in! oooooh well! the memories are still captured, right!
So glad that you were able to get up there for her birthday! What a special day! Those stores would be trouble for me sooooooo. Haha
it was so nice to get back up there!! and oh, there were so many stores we could’ve stopped into, but the little ones, they said, “noooooooo nooooo noooooooo.”
haha you always make me laugh outloud! so! many! potential! thoughts!
your babies are dolls and you and your mama are adorable !!
ohhh and what is this arhaus!? I need to get myself over there!!!! actually, better yet, I need to stay far far away, ha.