this little tingle of fall has been in the air so much lately!! and i kind of hate to admit that i love it, because i’m adamantly a summertime girl… but… it’s just so cozy! and pleasant. we’ve had porch dinners!! and morning bike rides for the kiddos!! [who regulate temperature so hilariously, don’t they?! i feel like they run so hot all of the time! seriously, they happily played in 72 degree pool water this weekend. oh my. i mean it when i say i like my pool temp at 86 minimum!]
well, anyway!! i have all kinds of cozy vibes a-brewing, so here are some fav fav favs right now!
fav lightweight linen/cotton blend sweater… oh my. transitional sweater perfection right here!!! garnet hill sweetly sent me one a few weeks ago [they are THE nicest!!], and i wore it all this last weekend. every chance i got!! it’s cozy and beautiful and fits like a dream. [i’m wearing a small and the sleeves are actually long enough!] their stuff is such amazing quality… i’m always completely in awe!!
chesapeake shores… umm, have you seen this show on hallmark?!?! i have been hoping for soooo long that i’d find a new, easy little show to get snuggly with. i saw a commercial for chesapeake shores a while back [i may have been watching golden girls reruns at the time!] and kept trying to remember to check it out. once i finally turned it on, i was instantly iiiin looove! such a good show!
coffee table jazz on spotify premium… i think i mentioned this station a long time ago, but there is nothing cozier to me than a good jazzy station! it’s completely my default background listening right now!
and speaking of coffee… my dear darling friend maggie, who never steers me wrong :), told me to try a squirt of honey in my coffee one day [i usually drink mine black with a little spoon of coconut oil and sometimes a dash of cinnamon, so this is fancy for me!], and not only is it yummy, but it is amaaaazing when you’re getting a sore throat!! so soothing. perf, because yes, i’ve already had a fall cold. no, it’s not even fall yet. yay.
staple coziness attire… yes yes! important leggings update!! i got these high-waisted leggings after being a long time wearer of the regular live-in leggings… and i definitely love them, but i also don’t really think they come up *that* much higher. i also think the regular live-ins are maybe the tiniest hair thicker? standard live-ins remain my fav! but i don’t know. both are terrif.
also! i need to discuss chairs… i was going to get a set of the chairs that go with our breakfast table, because, i mean… they’re nothing snazzy but they’re chairs and they match… but! these bistro chairs are the cutest! although, they’re more expensive and not currently available. so, then there are these bistro chairs?! risky? mixed reviews? could be good? i want them? SOS!
oooh, and maybe my favorite thing about current september weather is the ability to snap out of cozy mode for the afternoon and get some impromptu tan lines because i needed that as well!! all missions… accomplished!!
That sweater is gorgeous! And madd’s hair is so long and wonderful! She gets it from her mama! There is just something magical about fall mornings! I wasn’t prepared for how quickly they came on this year though!
i am seriously in love with my sweater! and oh you are too sweet. she asked for a hair cut the other day and i was like nooo no no!!! haha! these mornings have been juuuust about perfect, if you ask me. it is definitely the fun exciting part of the changing season!!