1. if ever we decide on a little late afternoon golf cart drive, i’m going to pretty much insist that we stop at our favorite little trail spot for frivolous frolics and photos! because what am i saying about everything these days?! LIFE IS TOO SHORT! give me all the happy nature afternoon trail sunshine, please! this is what gets me from october back to may! plus, this heavy july heat wave gives me all kinds of sentimental vibes. when i look at how the plants and flowers have changed over these weeks i feel a bit like i’m a character in a slow-moving detailed novel about… a july summer heat wave. 🙂
2. also what will get me from october to may: can you guess?! my faaavorite leggings!! snagged the high wasteds on maj sale today. [i’m not a card holder, so i had to hustle!] i can’t wait to try them out! haven’t had the high wasted style before.
3. i’m suddenly missing beach life soooo much this week! sometimes this adulting-is-hard fight or flight mode hits me so strongly, you’d think i’d have sprouted little feathered wingies by now… 😉
4. baby lady of the house is turning 5 years old just a couple of weeks before beginning pre-k! ahh, i’m already both excited for her and losing my sanity. i mean, spending time without my mini girl is basically like losing an arm for me. rocco and i actually probably depend on her a scary amount day to day, haha. she’s just the best, though! our good times far outweigh our hard times. she’s the greatest little helper, and our conversations are so interesting and fun. she’s creative and witty and the best sissy ever. her heart is so so big and ready for more… so, i think she’ll love it! meanwhile, rocco bunny and i will get some good bonding time 🙂 [my tiny boyfriend melts me so], and possibly learn how to appear as if we are not zombies prior to 8am! [although, that will forever remain a big fat lie on my end!]
5. also!! madd is starting at my old school [and steven’s from middle to high!], so, making that official morning drive over there is going to give me flashbacks like whoa. i mean, is this 2004 or 2017? so, in addition to all my thoughts on properly preparing maddalena [like, i’m terrified someone is going to tell her elsa and anna aren’t cool anymore or something similarly devastating, you know?!], i kind of feel my own back to school vibes, too… like i’m going into school-mom grade. i’m a little nerve about all the memos i need to be getting? i keep reminding myself, *it’s just preschool. it’s just preschool.* but i don’t really do medium anticipation speed. only full blast or nothing at all! so, anyway… we’ve got backpack monogramming up for discussion! good things ahead!!
6. we are so excited about the eclipse that is happening one month from today!! nashville is apparently going to be one of the best major cities to experience it… and i guess most of the country won’t even see it at all? so crazy!! steven even got a pack of eclipse viewing glasses in preparation… and i hear that people will be traveling far and wide for this experience! so. come see us? 😉 [i’ve tried luring my cousins down for the eclipse, but it hasn’t worked… YET.]
7. both of our kiddos received their own little cameras for their 2nd birthdays, which is a tradition i didn’t actually mean to start… but i LOVE it! because i’ve seen how much they love it. the funny thing is, though, the “toy” cameras have little games and entertaining noises on them, which is totally great! it makes it extra fun! but i also still find myself saying “yes” every time maddalena wants to use my camera. the gratifying click of a big-camera button just so often seems like a darn good remedy for this age of screens screens screens! so, yesterday, she had my camera in her little hands, clicking away on every single tree she saw. part of me wanted to take control just so that i didn’t have as much foliage documentation to sift through later on… but thankfully, i kept myself from saying a word. instead, i just listened to the happy sound of the shutter over and over again, because really, it just gives off such a satisfying feeling! and i love watching her soak that up.
8. madd also took that photo of me with my hands on my hips, and it makes me laugh… because she probably sees me like that SO. OFTEN. yep, there she is. maddalena’s mom!
9. ps. on that note, i am trying to get back to having photos printed!! but… i’m a smidge overwhelmed. i plan to do a little album of baby rocco like i did with maddalena… but after that? what do i print?! only my favorites? compile albums of all? [ha! impossible.] i’m at least going to be filling more frames… but if anyone has a good photo strategy, please share!! i do absolutely love my chatbooks series, but i only do my favorite little iphone photos in those. 🙂
10. all the beautiful crepe myrtle blooms right now… AAAMEN!
Oh our crape mrytle just started blooming and I’m so happy about it! The most gorgeous tree! I love the kid photos the best I think! Their viewpoint and what they find interesting is just amazing to me. Oh school. School school school. Whyyyy?? Why! Does she have some time? Preschool’s around here don’t start till mid September but I know public schools are more like end of August? It’s all too soon. It’s definitely easier for me this year rather than last but I still am on the major struggle bus. I may rotate who’s bed I sleep in for the entire month of August. Maddo will love it and from what I hear Anna and Elsa still are amazing.
yes!! pretty blooms and baby photographers always. their little perspectives are precious!! and no, school gets out earlier here and starts earlier as a result! kids are out of school in may, so she will be all grown up come august. 🙁 🙁 🙁 #DRAMATICTEARS glad to hear anna and elsa are still cool though!!! i am dreading the day someone rains on her parade, because i remember that feeling all too well! and as always, thanks for your support my sweet and lovely mama friend. 🙂