hey hey!! throwing it back a sec to easter eve!! because what would a proper easter eve be without an egg hunt by a pretty fountain?! we had dinner that night with steven’s fam in downtown franklin, where they dwell! and points to my mother-in-law for having glitter-fied eggs that coordinated nicely with my sandals [they’re still favs of mine!]. details, you know?
rocco was mostly interested in the fountain, obviously, as it was clearly a giant water table designed for play!!! i love it too, rocco. i want a fountain! can we get a fancy fountain? it would really delight the italian in me, i feel. i just love fountains. anyway!
later on that evening, we headed to the cute little town square where apparently brad paisley was filming a music video. now… i love a good music video scene, but in general, i’ve been feeling somewhat exhausted [#momlife], so i was mostly like, “yeah, that’ll be cool, we’ll pass by, neato, great weather, i love a nice stroll.” you know, just low key curiosity slash enjoyment.
…because no one had told me there was going to be GROUP PARTICIPATION!!! oooooooh! coordinated crowd arm waving?! can’t. hold. me. back. once we saw the big fun party before us, maddo and i were like SEE YA, PEEPS. and we made off into the crowd, the two of us, because the call was just too great for a couple of firstborns to be casual about.
so, it turned out to be really fun!! i’ve always liked that brad p. seems like a nice fellow. everyone had their arms a-goin… drones were zooming overhead [i think i’m still getting used to the notion of drones]… he played a familiar toon or two! and! most importantly, my bunny girl maddo had a great time. she was all over that arm waving, let me tell you!
then we closed it out early [meaning… before it was over] because most of our peeps had already jumped ship [booooo], and my mother in law was waiting patiently with a dog and a monkey [okay, a dog and a rocco!], and somebunny was doing quite a wiggle to avoid nature’s call, but “didn’t want to miss anything.” [very much my spawn!]
oh, and the fruits of our labor! haha! don’t worry, it only took like, a full day and my mom’s help to find ourselves in a paused crowd shot! wheeeere are brittany and maddalena?! the trick is to find flag shirt long hair guy! easy, right?
…ta-daaaaa! INSTANT VIDEO STARS!!!!
my official music video experience resume now looks like this: one that i don’t have a link to …SCRATCH THAT! within 1.5 seconds of me saying i didn’t have a link, my mom sent me one. she’s my woman… where i was 5 or 6 and we sat on big boxes as far as i can remember [sidenote: the 90s!!!] // one where boats were involved // one that i witnessed in the same location, minus the crowd participation, and stayed all night due to bieber fever // this one that gave us half a day of where’s waldo action
i know, i know. don’t be jeal. livin big over here! L-I-V-I-N. glitter eggs and sandals and all!
okay, i’m off to put my freak flag back in her safe place now. can’t be wavin’ her too hard before she’s had all her coffee, right? 😉
I did not see this post heading in that direction. I too love those sandals you’ve got there but mine have seen better days. Your family is like always color coordinated. Glitter eggs and fountains should be a part of every easter! We used to have a fountain in our old backyard and it was the best sound! You must get one. And you and your music video resume I mean. Wow. I feel like you’re basically a celebrity now.
oh, a fountain in your own yard!! that is the dream!!! and right? glitter and fountains for all!!! ha, and yes, show me where the spotlight is and i’ll gladly stand… next to it!!!! rarely in it, but next to it, yes please. 😉