make a baby jesus!!
i did this exact craft with my mom when i was little bitty… so, m and i made one together last weekend!! and she is absolutely in love with him. he’s a very well cared for mini-messiah over here in our real life nativity… it’s just the sweetest thing!!

you need:
1. bag of fluffy filler, 2. a set of nude knee highs [or cut the legs off some pantyhose], 3. a small box for a manger, 4. some cloth for a blanket [we used an old cloth diaper/burp cloth]
additional needs!
something to tie off the neck with – string, thread, dental floss
a permanent marker for the face
bonus supplies…
something straw-like to fill the manger
we also used sticky-sided felt we had on hand to cover the words on the box

[ps. thanks for the inspiration 25 years ago, mom!! she’s always been the queen of crafting!]
This is adorable!!
I love this so much!!!! Definitely going to be replicating this one next year! 🙂
Oh my how adorable is this! Love it!!
So cute!!!