we’ve dyed easter eggs [or “dived” according to m!], hunted easter eggs… maddalena even made cute little cotton ball bunnies with my mom!
and now, on this good friday, i’m trying to put away my silly little human thoughts, think a little less about bunny themes and be thankful for the greatest gift of all! eternal life!
honestly, i still totally feel like such a child in my understanding of God’s great love for us and all that went down on this weekend oh so long ago… but… it was pretty huge and major, and i’m acutely aware that i cannot humanly grasp it. so, i’m happy to have faith like a child, blind and trusting, that we are eternally forgiven, and have gold and glittery mansions waiting for us! i mean… i’m assuming mine’s gold and glittery. 😉 but really, have you ever seen a sunset?? God has gorgeous taste!
happy easter weekend!! thank you, Jesus!
“for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [john 3:16]
Laurie Olsen says
We have this egg thing. Each plastic egg has a different color and inside is a different item. A cross. Coins. A leather strap. A stone. And then there is a corresponding verse that goes with it. And as heavy as it may be to read, my kids love it. Opening the egg. Telling the story…. So. Happy Easter weekend to you all!
Bruna says
What a great idea!
Bruna says
Happy Easter weekend Charming family!!