a few nights ago, we finally broke it to minnie that she has a new house! haha! she’s been staying at the farm all this time because she’s happy there [aren’t we all?] and we’ve been crazy here… but now!! now minnie is HOME! and i really shouldn’t be surprised, but i couldn’t help but notice how much more it immediately felt like home to me with her here. home is where your minnie is!
…and your couch!! our new couch arrived, ps!! or sofa, i should say, to be proper in all english-speaking countries. and anyway, here’s the thing about that: even if we hadn’t moved or done one single thing differently in the last few months… if we had just gotten a new sofa we’d have been thrilled. we’ve waited 1,000 years, i feel, as our old slipcovered ones have juuust about had it [they’re now perfect for tossing in the sunroom, however!] and so! i don’t know. i can’t wait to snuggle. and clearly, this means i need a new throw blanket [perfect excuse for a winter cableknit deal, perhaps?!].
gaaaah, i love household furnishings. and i specifically remember being 15 and sitting on a neighbor’s porch discussing how i never wanted to get to the point in life where i was excited by curtains and placemats. hashtag: obsessed with my world market water hyacinth placemats that i waited a year to buy once they went on sale. such is life!!! but whatever, by the next year i was 16 and decorating my new bedroom at full speed with my mom so obviously that porch convo was just plain wrong. 😉
Yay for house furnishings and new couches and Minnie finally being home! It looks like you guys are all settled. Right? 😉
ahh we are semi-settled! it feels like home but there is still a lot of little things to be done. like, toilet paper holders and light fixtures are still sitting around unhung. some people can live with that kinda thing for longer than others. 😉
***there ARE still. haha.
Oh my word that picture of your two babies. Total total blow up huge as you can framer. For sure.
i totally have it on my priority list to print that one and about a fafillion others!! poor baby rocco is still not in our picture frames so it's time!!!
Is that your sunroom?!!?!? With your slipcovered couches in it? I about died when I saw that photo, GORGEOUS! I'm so happy for you guys that you're in your new house and making it a home and feeling like its home, hooray! such a blessing! AND I have been trying to comment on one of your last posts, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTY!!!!!!! I'm sorry that your Mama was out for the count on Thanksgiving but I hope your birthday was an amazing one.
And your children are breathtaking.
Just like their parents. What else is new.
Over and out.