…i took an evening walk with the babes this weekend, maddalena in her tutu holding flowers in one hand and my hand in the other, rocco sleeping on me in his carrier… and every person that passed by us smiled and had that look that means they either want to say “you’ve got your hands full!” or “i remember those days! they go too fast!” people always seem to go with one or the other, and i wondered which one they’d each choose if i stopped and talked to them. although someone in the grocery recently simply stated in passing, “don’t blink” and i kind of just wanted to cry…
…but i’ll blame kenny chesney for that! my mental background music is stuck between him and trace adkins lately… somebody get me a pump it up playlist, STAT!
…this weekend i said, “you know you’re a mom when your baby poops on your shorts and you don’t change them.” and steven said, “you know you’re a dad when your baby poops on your wife’s shorts and she doesn’t change them.” hashtag: accurate.
…ps. rocco’s cheeks are my dream. i just can’t get enough.
Amanda Marshall says
only you could be this beautiful after JUST having had a babe. and I also want to say, I love your blog and your family!
LifeofCharmings says
ooh my gosh, coming from the gorgeous, glowing lady with a baby that you are!! thank you, beauty!!
Jessica says
i loved our lillie for when B was little. Now we use the Ergo more. But gosh, I love me some baby wearing! xoxo
LifeofCharmings says
oh really! i used the moby for madd's first 6 months and when she got a little heavy for that we moved to the ergo and i loooved it. but the lille has been nice because i don't have to take all the time to wrap a bunch of cloth, it's lighterweight than the ergo because it's the "airflow," and it can do newborn without an additional insert… so it's been a toootal lifesaver for me this round! i'll definitely be interested to see how he grows with it! i think the only thing i haven't tried is a sling, which i'm curious about!!
Laurie Olsen says
I love the mister charmings onesie! His cheeks! Gosh the best. The bigger the better I say. I really don't like the hands full look, I wouldn't mind a few of the don't blink sort of looks. It would make me feel less insane. And they are right! Don't blink! My baby doesn't smell that newborn smell and his knees are rough and he has opinions on cuddling and it's all too fast. I'm sure I'm not helping. I'm sorry. Hug Rocco. And maybe climb in bed with maddo. I have all the feels.
Laurie Olsen says
Blame the wine.
LifeofCharmings says
ahhhh wine, tiredness, hormones, a girl's got aaaaall the reason to have all the feels! i certainly do! and gosh, your babies really have grown like crazy! i took your advice and hugged and sniffed rocco extra tonight as he fell asleep. he's already growing! stop, stop already!! luckily maddo is in our bed already. 😉 i hope her future husband lets me snuggle in the middle one day. haha. i might not be kidding?
Mrs. Snyder says
First, you look amazing! Second, your babes are just precious and those cheeks on Rocco are so so sweet. Third, the Kenny Chesney/Trace Adkins inner song rotation is my life! My son will be 8 months tomorrow and I have no clue where the time has gone. I would be a passerby who says to cherish every moment. I so wish I could be at home with my boy and enjoy every moment, but alas, I am at work and I feel like I am missing so much, so I REALLY try to enjoy each moment I do get with him. Hold him a little longer and tighter and smell his baby sweet smell.