oh myyy, my, it has been a freezing cold week this week!! and we have been here on farm duty, as iiiinterestingly, my parents have managed to escape these arctic blasts for the glorious tropics… and not for the first time, mind you! π they’ve totally earned it, though. there’s a lot to do around here! and it’s an extra treat for me, anyway, to get to wake up and peek out at casey first thing in the morning!
i could hardly even sleep a few nights ago when it got down to just 3 or 4 degrees outside, i was so worried about all our chilly fluffies outside. i’d already gone down in the dark that evening to put casey’s heavier blanket on him, but then i woke up around 4am worried about the ducks, and ended up getting out of bed and going ouuutsiiiide and iiiinto their cage to check on them. now, that was a decision i kind of regretted when the ducks were fine and i couldn’t fall back to sleep for the next three hours! but 4am decisions, you know? they’re a little crazy!
in other huge news, haha, maddalena and i have HARDLY taken off our ridiculously warm footy pajamas that steven got us for christmas. oh my goodness. they’re from pajamagram, and i can’t even with these things. they are SO warm! and i am seriously cold natured. like, every year wintertime hits me to. the. bone. and i don’t feel warmth for months… so the fact that full body pajamas made of the same material as my favorite warmest warm blanket have entered my life is kiiiind of a miracle! and i get to be matching at the same time! haha. go stevo! after 6.5 years, he’s finally figured out how to get me to stop complaining constantly that i’m cold. π so, anyway, we’ve layered clothes on top of them to go out and do chores, and then, don’t worry, we washed them. and wore normal regular clothes. and basically, i was freezing the whole time.
anyway! we’re off to do duties in our jams a-once agaaaain! keep it warm, peeps! not you, parents, you’re warm, oooh, i know. π i’m thinking i’ll be planning my own escape asap. but until then, iiiii have the cutest little bunny helper slash snuggler on the planet, and i’m just super in love with her. so, there’s that. ALSO, my other love, the handsome man one, brought me my mexican food guacamole and quesadilla craving last night eeeven though i was fixing him boring health food. my babes are winning all around! high five, gypsies!
oh those footie pajamas never get old! you know what gets old, though? cold. yuck. i'll not remind you of the temp here in florida π sending warm vibes your way! xo
I would so do the same thing at 4am. No doubt in my mind. Because, how warm can duck feathers really be?
It has been so bloody cold all around! I have been closing all the blinds and doing my best to keep warm air inside and cold air where it belongs. A warm escape away is something we could all benefit from I think! You are a brave soul entering into the coldest hours of night but for the animals I suppose it is worth it. π
Oh my goodness, the matching footy pajamas are perfect- I love them!! I literally laughed out loud when I read the line about checking on the ducks at 4am – I would do the same thing haha