i have this pretty little cream and pink embroidered pillow that came from my grandmother’s house that says “you can never be too rich or too thin.” ha! i always loved it growing up, and now i have it in my house. so, for a while i thought it looked just lovely in maddalena’s room! then, i think i really scared some people, but it was only a touch of pink and a little parenting humor 😉 but, don’t worry, it’s now in our room, where i can happily gaze at it and share the joke just with myself. i mean, where did my grandmother even get such a pillow?!
last year, right before maddalena was born, like… while i was in labor… my twitter was hacked, and i had to sit there and change my password. while i was in labor. isn’t that just weird? it was weird, just weird feeling. now every time i get my password wrong, i remember that i had to change it. while i was in labor. because internet spam waits for no one.
most of my baby girl’s naps end up on me, still, and i have to admit, i really love it. she takes such short naps, so often it’s not even worth it to try and put her down when i could just cuddle her for 30 or so! but she’ll also sleep a little longer with me when she needs to than if i try and put her down. i feel so lucky to have such a good little cuddler because i can’t even get enough of it. so i just go with it! because one day, waa, she’ll be 16!
also, i am pretty sure my child, as of just lately, is working on recording some sort of contemporary album called “tempah tantrums,” and it is not so good! the force is strong with this one. and last night, she was sitting in her little booster chair after eating, and she looked me dead in the eyes and held out her little spoon, threatening to drop it on the floor. on purpose! with so much ‘tude in her eyeballs! i mean, most of the time she tosses her spoon completely innocently, but this… this was for real. i can’t even believe my angel can ‘tude me like that!
also, i just sniffed a crayon because maddalena likes when we sniff things, but then i remembered those crayons that really do smell like different things! remember those? i’d totally forgotten. they kinda gave me headaches, so i think we’ll stick with sniffing the regular ones for now!
so, anyway. these are my momfessions!
[momfessions I & momfessions II]
[photos by my sister, christina!]
I loved these momfessions! My daughter also takes super short naps. On the off chance that she sleeps for more than 45 minutes I start watching her like a hawk. I didn't know that most babies actually take 1.5 hour naps until I started a discussion about it…I'm pretty sure I cried that day. She also sleeps better on me, so I'm trying to relish in those moments instead of wishing them away.
oh, i'm glad i'm not the only one!!! sometimes you just have to enjoy the cuddles and tell everything else to wait 🙂 🙂
Too funny, love these!!! 🙂
I love your blog more and more with each post. I follow so many blogs and rarely comment- but you did just use the words 'tudey and doppleganger in the same post… and I just think that deserves some credit.
Also I don't have a kid- but I like how you make it seem "doable"- Thanks for that.
(… Yes I am the same girl from instagram that once to prebuy some of the baby clothes you are selling because they are just too darn cute!)
*wants to buy
awwww thank you!!!!
Good for you! Delay those shots as long as you want! I have a 10 month old who was a preemie, and I am delaying his. It's scary how many vaccinations they give these babies now. I'm only doing the most important ones. YOU are the mom. Always be in charge.( : And a great mom you are! Cute post. ( :
yes, thanks girly!! it is scary. there are definitely a couple i say no to!!
Ohhhh. Those darn tude eyes.
They're happenin' with the little gal I care for.
I can't help but laugh, but when she's a full on toddler. It won't be so funny!
Manda from Eat Cake
ha!! i know, and then i picture it in the teen years!! oh dear!
haha the twitter thing made me laugh so much. what a strange thing to happen… and awww the 'tude! I LOVE it. A girl's gotta have spunk!
haha love this post! the twitter event must have been really frustrating for you. hope it doesn't get hacked again!!! :/
you are so cute! i hope the dr. visit goes ok, wesley just had his one year. it always makes me laugh that when she gives him the shot he will cry so hard until she puts a toy in his face then he completely changes to being interested…it is so funny!
i'm totally ok with pee shorts and other baby things like that, haha!
thanks girly!! aw wesley! and he only gets 1 shot?! we get like 900! madd apparently gets a little more traumatized then that. she doesn't forget a thing!
Hope the doc visit went okay! i can't even imagine her little attitude eyes, she always looks so sweet haha
oh my goodness i am dying laughing. i love you. and you are a fabulous mama! no need for mom guilt at all! and ugggggh shots. my hub and i agonized over them before G was born. i mean seriously, do we really need to be shooting our kids up with all kinds of 1,000,000 year old dead diseases???? i hate it. proud of u for delaying ur shots – u do whats right for u and ur sweet one! i delay G's like crazzzzzzzzzy
are we the same person? Bee, why can't we live closer! Im dying at the pee reference because I've totally done that before. And I'm ashamed to say it happened with poop when S was 6 weeks old. I full on ugly cried in the parking lot and then just walked into group and winged it.
And Scarlett naps on my everyday. I LOVE it. Sometimes I wish I could fold some laundry, but then I just love her snuggles. She'll accidentally sleep in her crib for 2 hours sometimes but those days are rare, haha. I only wish I had put on a diaper before I sit a nurse her and then get stuck for an hour or so.
I mean **swing not crib. Psshh that never happens.