i used to be able to get a whole lot done in a day, you know? and i need to get that in writing right here and right now because from this point on, it is highly possible that no one will ever believe that! but these days… well… priorities have shifted a little…
…and maybe getting dressed looks like this…
…and then maybe spontaneous nap time looks like this…
…and then maybe getting out the door requires some hats + coffee + cheez-it-mouth selfies…
…and then we might not even make it out of the driveway before we stop for a gigglefest…
…and oh my g. i mean, i know i’m her mom, but i can’t help that i just die over her and take 99 thousand photos of her everything. she makes every little silly life task so much more fun with her precious giggles and drama faces and pretty butterfly eyes… and let’s not forget her uh oh!s and goo’ giiiiiir’s and her newest one, wooow!
also, this little helper of mine is really on top of the household chores lately. i’ll catch her wiping down the kitchen [with a koozie she pulled out of a drawer], and putting the dog bowl back in its fancy little bowl-holder [after i get it out or else minnie won’t eat when her food gets low], and picking up all sorts of findings off the floor… bits of leaves and dog hair, and why, just the other day she brought me a dead spider! oooh, wow! thanks, madd! [i sweep, i promise! but dead spiders sometimes just show up overnight and EW! freak. me. out!!]
so, that’s life around here with a baby bunnybun, and iiiii’ll take it! because you know what they say, efficiency is overrated! okay no one says that, ever. i don’t say that. but maybe we should sometimes when there’s toddler fun involved. π
Manda says
I love how you love her π
Manda from Eat Cake
Morgan Hunt says
I LOVE HER and you π
Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket says
How adorable is she! My little toddler I call the tornado, but she has been taking out the broom and dragging it around- Im think she is trying to sweep π
Marie says
Your daughter is adorable! Love the photos of her smiling at the car-seat. Too precious. π
Jamie Sefcik || Hello Little Scout says
I would have to agree! It's really hard to get stuff done with little ones. She is so darling!
adesertgirl says
You're being efficient in a way that is even more important than crossing things off to-do lists. Making memories – check.