so, i figured since i did obsessed lists for pregnancy, post-partum, and the first 6 months of baby, i would continue on with one for the second 6 months of baby!! i always keep notes as i go about stuff like this, mostly because i keep notes about practically everything, and i like to be able to go back and reference once my thoughts disappear into byebye land! which so many of them like to do!
not only that, but when i was preparing for our little one, i scoured the internet for other baby must-have lists, and found that i pulled from about a jillion different perspectives and opinions… i also totally felt like so many must-have lists highlighted the absolute most expensive/trendiest stuff out there, so i would sit there at my computer searching for the best and most attractive option for the best price, because heaven help me if i’m going to spend a millionfinity dollars on a high chair that looks like it came from outer space!
anyway, so i laughed and loved it when i saw lauren’s post the other day on her fav “non-trendy” baby stuff, because yes! that is so me, too. really, i just love the stuff i love. sometimes it’s trendy, sometimes it’s classic, preferably a really good deal, but every now and then it’s a splurge, and it’s most always health-conscious. also, every baby is different, and that is so much of the fun!
and so! our favs for the little 6-12 month babes…

1. fisher price healthy care deluxe booster seat – we have never even had a typical high chair, just this little thing! it’s all we’ve needed so far, and seriously, for under $30, you cannot go wrong. we just have one of these shipped everywhere we go, basically.
2. babyganics spf 50 sunscreen stick & supergoop spf 50 sunscreen mist – i have some major thoughts on sunscreen, and so, for protecting the beautiful baby skin in my life, i have LOVED the babyganics sunscreen stick. it works, it’s not full of chemicals, and it’s super easy to apply! and once i discovered the supergoop sunscreen mist, it went immediately in my arsenal, as well. because hey! it works, it’s not full of chemicals, and it’s super easy to apply! kind of a big deal when you’re workin’ with the little babes!
3. safety 1st walker – this little dealybob is something i would not have wanted to do without! i wasn’t planning on using this like i did, but it ended up a huge fav. when we got it, m’s feetsies didn’t even touch the ground when she was in it, and they didn’t for a long time, either… but she loved being able to hang out in it and be pushed around in it. and then, once her feetsies could reach! oh, she had a blast. i know there’s controversy surrounding these suckers, studies saying they can “delay motor skills,” or some such thing, but i mean, come on. don’t put your baby in this for hours on end, right? it’s just for a little play time! we are motor skill city around here 😉
4. jellycat books – the first book that m loved loved loved was if i were a lamb! we read it every single day, so many times, for months. she loved it so much, we got if i were a bunny, which is just as precious. these are some of the best little touch & feel books, if you ask me!
5. cosco umbrella stroller with canopy – this isn’t our main stroller, but it is another one of those things that we just have shipped wherever we go! when you aren’t up for dealing with your ginormous and heavy stroller, this is perfect. i keep one in my car, and it comes in handy!
6. ministar leather shoes from target – these little preshies are genuine leather and only $15!! we’ve had the same pair for months now, and they have been so so so great on m’s little feet. i like that they don’t have any cushion on the bottom, just leather, which is ideal for developing baby feet. and the price!! pretty good stuff!
7. beaba soft spoons – these spoons were given to us at my baby shower, and i didn’t even know about them then! but i love them because they’re soft and bendy and m likes to chew on them to soothe her gums.
8. ergo original baby carrier – oh my goooosh, how would i live life without this thing? we switched from the sweet moby wrap to the ergo carrier when maddalena was around 6 months, pretty much for ease of use and added support, and it was perfect. i loved the intimacy of the moby wrap for the tiny baby stage, but for a more active baby moving into toddler age, the ergo has been a dream! i use it out and about, i use it at home. i use it on the front, i use it on the back. i love it, she loves it, we’re all in love!
9. blabla knit dolls – i had a crush on these knit dolls for so long before m was born. they are handmade in peru and so cute and squishable. we have the regular and the mini and they are both amazingly presh. the mini, though, has been easier for m to carry around in her tiny little arms and love on!
10. jellycat stuffed animals – the small pink cordy rattle bear was one of the first little stuffed animals that m could play with and interact with the rattle noise. and the larger ones! they are really the sweetest and softest things on this planet. we have the bashful lamb and the bashful bunny, and they are both so beautiful and precious.
some other things we have loved in the second half of year 1: we moved up to the britax roundabout carseat at 6 months, which we love. we also just switched to honest diapers & wipes,
and i’m kind of thrilled with the ingredients, the quality of the
products, and the fact that i don’t have to get them at the store. the amber teething necklace that she has worn for months has helped take the edge off of teething pains. the vtech learning walker has been some serious entertainment and was fun when she was just learning to walk. she’s loved anything cute that fits right in her little hands, like mini happy meal madame alexander dolls [these are the most precious things, once i discovered them, i was kiiind of ob-sessed!], and her small my little pony [but we have an older one, and i just recently discovered how weird looking the new ones are?!]. the white noise app for the iphone is good to have for naps anywhere you are. anything that plays music is pretty golden. oh, and the babylit board books are to die for cute and m loves their illustrations. naturally, the most popular giraffe ever accompanies us on every car ride. also, the nuby sippy cup has been pretty much the only one we’ve successfully used… it wasn’t easy to find the perfect one for the girl who never even had a bottle in that princess mouth! 😉 until we found the nuby with the straw!! okay, amazing. life=changed. and, no pressure, but if you have a large cardboard box laying around to turn into a playhouse, it’s a guaranteed hit!
and i’m kind of thrilled with the ingredients, the quality of the
products, and the fact that i don’t have to get them at the store. the amber teething necklace that she has worn for months has helped take the edge off of teething pains. the vtech learning walker has been some serious entertainment and was fun when she was just learning to walk. she’s loved anything cute that fits right in her little hands, like mini happy meal madame alexander dolls [these are the most precious things, once i discovered them, i was kiiind of ob-sessed!], and her small my little pony [but we have an older one, and i just recently discovered how weird looking the new ones are?!]. the white noise app for the iphone is good to have for naps anywhere you are. anything that plays music is pretty golden. oh, and the babylit board books are to die for cute and m loves their illustrations. naturally, the most popular giraffe ever accompanies us on every car ride. also, the nuby sippy cup has been pretty much the only one we’ve successfully used… it wasn’t easy to find the perfect one for the girl who never even had a bottle in that princess mouth! 😉 until we found the nuby with the straw!! okay, amazing. life=changed. and, no pressure, but if you have a large cardboard box laying around to turn into a playhouse, it’s a guaranteed hit!
…and hellooo, toddlerhood!!
Love your list! I have had the biggest crush on that same exact bla bla doll and when we saw it on our trip in July we knew it was meant to be to get it for Scarlett. My husband makes fun of me and calls it MY doll, because he says I like it more then!
these are all SO helpful! i think i need to invest in some supergoop! we're cruising in december, and she'll be 8m, so i can put suncreen on her then. glad to know about all these things i didn't know about 🙂 thanks brit!!
nice list! you have to check out swagbooties on etsy, they are perfect!