…because, you know, sometimes a dumdum lollipop after your doctors appointment just isn’t quite enough. and even though i got my favorite watermelon flavor of lolli yesterday, i still felt like there was a vanilla milkshake out there with my name on it. and i was right. and it was delicious. and i’m not normally a milkshake person at all, but these days you just never know.
gosh, i love bobbie’s dairy dip.
…and then we went to costco, which i also love.
and then we bought a huge box of diaper wipes. for our baby’s tushy!! yay!
Ana F. says
hahaha sometimes you just need a treat and not worry about anything else. And gotta love Costco. Going there for diapers and wipes is the way to go!
Bailey@Lost&Found says
costco pizza. omg. There are no costcos in Germany!
Brooklyn says
your pictures are just so adorable! i'm not really a "sweets" person but with the heat outside, a milkshake sounds pretty drool-worthy at this moment!
Molly Bonner says
love your pants bridey!!!
katie michelle says
you are so adorable! and i loooove your pants! where are they from?
Lindsay says
Love your pants! Your rockin them better than any non-prego girl! lol 🙂
Rachel says
Watermelon is my favorite Dum Dum flavor too!I can't image how surreal it must be to be buying wipes!Yay!You're almost there!
Taylor says
You look fab! A milkshake would hit the spot right now…now I need to have one. Greeeeat!
Rachel Jensen {Da Paura ♥} says
Yum! I loved milkshakes when I was a child and growing up… kinda just stopped ordering them, but it does sound fabulous! I love your cute neon leggings!
Emily says
haha you are so darn cute! I hope I embrace pregnancy in such a fun way as you seem to do. and girl you drink allll the milkshakes you want.
Nicole Marie says
how cute are your pink pants!