last week, i finally got to make my spring home depot trip and fill our planters outside with pretty little flowers. yippy! it’s made my morning coffee so much more pleasant. until last week i’d been staring at unfortunate bowls of soil and dead flower twig leftovers. ew.
last year was my first time raising little baby flowers. it was interesting.. but i definitely feel a little more knowledgeable about being a flower mom this year. i learned a hard lesson about full-sunlight on flowers that don’t really want it, so this year i stuck with cutey little petunias and some verbena, because they want lots of sun, and i respect that in a flower. i also stocked up on some more english ivy, because like 95% of my ivy completely died over the winter.. and that’s just embarrassing.
then, bonus, our snowball plant and two little azalea bushes that we planted in the fall have started blooming! i was afraid that they were dead after our miserably cold antarctic winter, but i hosed them down every morning last week and begged them to live.. and they were just fine! next on the list: a rosebush. can’t wait.
oh, pretty little blossoms. i do enjoy you [and same to you, coffee in my cup]…
i know, right, i’m totally the next martha! maybe not, but we do love our happy little back yard.
other stuff to discuss:
- we have like -57 desire to have babies any time soon, but i still think i should go ahead and order this book. i’m all about being prepared and it looks like it’s full of the most important hot mom info.
- okay maybe i do have a desire for a baby… as long as it’s a new baby iphone. mine is on the fritz and apparently apple lost it’s secret new iphone prototype in a bar! can i have it, please? i need it. [plus my on/off ringer switch literally broke off. does that even happen?]
- a sheep pig. a sheep pig! sheep+pig. weird, but it’s cute and fuzzy.
- as if a sheep pig isn’t fabulous enough, zac posen is sending his cute little clothings to target in 4 days. i’m a targaholic [i‘ve forced myself to back off lately] so this will be fun for me. until i realize that his dresses are still $80 even though they’re hanging in target. going to target is supposed to mean that you can spend $80 and purchase multiple items. duh.
- i wish i could just be like this girl. she has so many tricks. she buys huge, ugly dresses for like $1 and makes them cute and goes out in them. i should really learn how to use a sewing machine.
- i also wish i could be like carrie underwood. she is a gorgeous goddess barbie doll princess and i love everything she ever wears. like the dress she wore to the acms last sunday. so pretty. she should probably start a club where she gives dresses to pretty girls whose husbands don’t want them to spend gajillions of dollars on fancy things. good idea. her stylist’s name is trish townsend and i do wish we could be friends.
- how amazing was lost last night? pretty fabulous. i won’t put any spoilers [husband hasn’t watched yet and i’m sure he’s not the only one] but tears were shed. happy tears. and i’m pretty sure tears of all kinds will be a recurring theme for me until the very last episode and then probably for a good 72 hours after. anyway, kristin dos santos’s lost redux always helps me gather my thoughts after a good lost brain emotion scrambling. gah. can’t even handle it.
the end. happy wednesday.
what a precious little garden! i have a notoriously brown thumb.
p.s. i might just have to break my target ban in the name of zac posen!
I am so happy you have a blog where I can read what you are up too…..i love my busy life and i love a busy bee…but it's no fun not getting to talk to you!!
i love your blog! and i seriously LOVE your photos. my mom grows herbs like nobody's business, so i'm taking a pot of her extra rosemary home and since i usually kill anything green in my possession i'm taking extra extra care to make this time work! keep us updated on your garden 🙂