okay, i’ll admit it. i was a mrs. poopy-no-fun-snow-is-scary-idon’tlikeit-girl when i woke up this morning. i was. there was full-on snow covering my back yard by the time i woke up at 9:30am. snow! i was worried. i’m not so used to this.
but blizzard snow ice day turned out to be a super extra fun snow day. it’s actually probably ranked up there with some of the most fabulous fun days ever in my life, my whole life.
our snow day involved cozy desperate housewifey girl talk time with my loveneighbor, coffee drinking, husbands home from work early, puppy cuddles, cheese & cracker munching, candle & fireplace ambiance, continuous weird crazy snowfall, sledding, wine, chicken for dinner, love, laughter, card games, etc. it was so perfect.
we experience very few days like this here in nashville, which is so okay with me. having major snow days every 4 or 5 years just makes them special. and today… was purty special.
it was perfect x400
Such fun photos- I haven't made a snow angel in YEARS!
Fun times!! You should be careful slidding down hills with dogs on your lap. Just ask M and M about that story.