our family has been attending bff mary’s family’s christmas parties for like, an eternity. i don’t really even know how long. so when it comes around every year, that’s when i know, i really really know, that christmas is really here! it’s weird. so we went last night, it was fabulous as always, and as we were leaving it hit me! it’s really for real christmas. officially real. i love it.
[traditional thomas xmas party photos 2009 style]
it was also little mary’s birthday yesterday. the big 24. i’m pretty sure we vowed to each other when she turned 18 that we wouldn’t get any older after that… so, i don’t know how this keeps happening.
[she was dressed in her bday snuggie, of course!]
My only goal and new years resolution is to have slut long hair. I pray for it every night.